Best Lights

9 Best Boat Dock Lighting Ideas In 2022 [Updated]

There is a good chance that if you are fortunate enough to own a boat, you also own a dock. Exists lighting on your dock?

You don’t want to have to navigate a dark dock. A dock without lights is a disaster waiting to happen. Reduce your risk of suffering a serious accident as a result.

The best measure you can take to ensure your safety is to install dock lighting.

First, what are the best boat dock lighting ideas?

The best boat dock lighting ideas include: set the mood with decorative lights, illuminate the dock with pole lights or dock lamps, mark your dock edge with piling lighting, recessed dock lighting, dock stair lighting…

Please continue reading for more information.

Best Boat Dock Lighting Ideas

Set The Mood With Decorative Lights

Set The Mood With Decorative Lights
Set The Mood With Decorative Lights

It goes without saying that mood is set by good lighting. A beautiful environment is produced by colored LED lights that change color.

To line your dock, you can opt for waterproof outdoor LED strip lighting. Set the strips on a loop that changes colors continuously.

Illuminate The Dock With Pole Lights Or Dock Lamps

Illuminate The Dock With Pole Lights Or Dock Lamps
Illuminate The Dock With Pole Lights Or Dock Lamps

Any solid surface can accommodate pole or dock lamps. This includes pilings, handrails, tables, walls, and other structures. Although they are soft on the eyes up close, they are visible from a distance.

Solar power powers the majority of dock lighting fixtures. This indicates that as long as you have them, they won’t have an impact on your utility bill.

Mark Your Dock Edge With Piling Lighting

Mark Your Dock Edge With Piling Lighting
Mark Your Dock Edge With Piling Lighting

To ensure the safety of those around you and yourself, install piling lighting along the dock edges. In order to clearly indicate where the dock ends and the water begins, lights are placed along its edges to prevent slippages. If you are docking your boat at night, this is especially crucial.

Recessed Dock Lighting

Recessed Dock Lighting
Recessed Dock Lighting

When it comes to dock lighting, there are some fundamental requirements. In the beginning, it must be weatherproof and waterproof. To prevent anyone from falling off the side, it should ideally outline the dock’s edges. The lights can be installed flush with the surface of your dock with recessed lighting, making it ideal for this use. These lights can be arranged in a unique pattern, along the edge, or on the stairs.

We suggest DEKOR’s recessed LED Dock Dots, which come in a 4-pack or a kit, to achieve this look. These low-voltage lights are strong and simple to install because they were created especially for dock use.

Dock Stair Lighting

Dock Stair Lighting
Dock Stair Lighting

Make sure your dock’s stairs are well-lit if there are any on it or nearby. Stair lighting (and lighting around any other obstacles on the dock) is especially crucial because one wrong step could result in a swim in the lake. These stair lights rotate to a 30-degree angle within their housings to properly illuminate each step.

Lights For Posts Or Pilings

Lights For Posts Or Pilings
Lights For Posts Or Pilings

Utilize any pilings or posts that your dock may have! Post-mounted lights or post caps can illuminate the walkway leading to your dock as well as the dock itself, though you might still want some recessed lighting along the dock.

To make your dock easier to find if you’re boating in low light or at night, install straightforward directional post lamps in the pilings along your dock. Or, if you prefer to use solar power, think about installing solar post cap lights on any posts along your dock.

Port And Starboard Lights

Port And Starboard Lights
Port And Starboard Lights

Adding colored lights to your boat dock to denote port and starboard (also known as left and right) is one of the most practical dock lighting ideas. One green light and one red light are sold separately by DEKOR in a special 2-pack, allowing you to easily navigate back to your dock and identify which side is which.

Colored Led Dock Lights

Colored Led Dock Lights
Colored Led Dock Lights

Not all dock lights have to be dull. Of course you have the choice of red and green port/starboard lights, but why stop there? You can use a variety of colors to add mood lighting to your dock area and make patterns that will entice people in.

For a variety of looks and color schemes, DEKOR offers our standard Dock Dots and our stair Dock Dots in red, amber, green, and blue. With these colored LEDs, your dock will acquire personality.

Dimmable Dock Lights

Dimmable Dock Lights
Dimmable Dock Lights

You might want your dock lights to be particularly bright if you’re out on the water at dusk or at night so you can navigate your way back to land. To save energy and to prevent your guests from having lights shining directly in their eyes, you might want to use dimmer lights if you’re hosting a gathering on or near your dock.

Types Of Dock Lights

The ideal dock lighting for your circumstances must be chosen. Dock lighting comes in a variety of styles.

Here is a quick overview of each to assist you in making the best decision.

Underwater Dock Lights

Your dock could benefit from some luxury and aesthetic appeal thanks to underwater dock lights. Due to their small size and universal compatibility, they rank among the most flexible solutions. They can also last up to four times longer than the majority of other light sources.

Solar Dock Lights

Due to their effectiveness and inexpensive installation, solar dock lights are widely used. They are excellent for illuminating trouble spots and are completely free to operate. They are durable, require no wiring, and are simple to install.

Wharf Pole Nautical Lights

Functionality and a classic design are both features of wharf pole nautical lights. They make the dock and nearby pathways safe for everyone by providing ample light. Additionally, these lights have a marine-grade finish that can withstand bad weather.

Piling Lights

Piling lights mount on your dock pilings to illuminate the entire platform. They add beauty and durability to your dock, making them a wise investment. Depending on your needs, you can choose between wired or solar-powered pile lights.

Motion-activated Dock Lighting

Dock lighting that responds to motion saves you money when you don’t need it and provides light when you do. The best choice for those who don’t frequently use their dock, and your neighbors might like it too.

Choose The Best Dock Lights

Choosing the best dock lighting can be challenging because there are so many products available. Consider these factors before making your decision:

  • Waterproofness
  • Durability
  • Security
  • Cost
  • Battery
  • Brightness
  • Versatility

It all depends on your preferences and the task you need the dock lighting for.

Reasons To Upgrade Your Dock Lights

As summer approaches, good dock lighting will not only increase your safety but also improve the ambiance.

Here are some of the benefits of upgrading your dock lights:

  • Safety
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Security
  • Automatic lighting schedule
  • Enhances atmosphere
  • Attracts fish

Underwater dock lights improve your ability to see the fish if you enjoy fishing. If you do this instead of fishing without lights, you will have more success.

Should I Employ An Electrician?

Because they believe it will be less expensive, people frequently decide to do their own electrical work or hire an unlicensed electrician.

In addition to being forbidden, doing so carries a danger of harm and even death. Although it might be alluring, the outcome might be disastrous.

When you don’t know what you’re doing, even something as simple as installing a dock light fixture can go wrong. Water and surfaces can conduct electricity, which can result in fatalities or extremely serious injuries.

Specialized services are required for any electrical handling close to the water. Not only will hiring a certified marine electrician save you money in the long run, but it will also give you peace of mind.

If you’re not persuaded yet, here are a few more reasons:

  • Recieve service that’s up to Code Standards
  • Ensure use of high-quality material and tools
  • Avoid potential electrical accidents
  • Have liability coverage

A certified marine electrician is crucial, there is no denying that. Don’t jeopardize your life to make a few dollars. It’s not worth it.

Save Time By Using Solar Lights.

It can be very labor-intensive to lead a boating lifestyle. While you can’t lessen your maintenance workload, you can choose solar dock lights to simplify your life. Solar lights can be installed without a transformer because they are wireless, making installation simple. When you install the lights, you won’t even need a friend. You can finish it on your own and then invite everyone to the dock to see your work.

Automated Lights Will Keep It Simple

Consider using lights that turn on automatically to keep with the trend of making your dock lighting as user-friendly as possible. You can find solar dock lights that charge up during the day and then turn on when the sun starts to go down. If you frequently go to your dock at night, you’ll value this. On your dock, you can unwind without stress because you won’t have to struggle to turn on the lights.

Light The Edges To Ensure Everyone’s Safety

You might observe that other docks have lights along their edges when you are on your boat dock at night. Everyone is safe thanks to these lights. You lessen your chance of tripping and falling into the water when there are lights along the edges. Many people decide to install low-profile lights along the dock’s edge. In this way, they won’t have to share dock space with bulky lights in order to get the light they require.

Ensure That Your Dock Is Bright, But Not Too Bright

Another factor to take into account is light intensity. When selecting the brightness, three considerations must be taken into account: safety, aesthetics, and other boaters. Overly bright boat dock lights can blind and irritate other boaters. The regulations at your marina could also be broken. Choose lights that can be seen from an average of 800 meters away. That is both soft and bright enough to keep you safe while still enhancing the dock’s atmosphere. Additionally, it will keep you popular with other boaters.

Avoid Flashing Light And Keep To White Light

Some boaters decorate their docks with multicolored flashing lights. At first, that might seem like fun, but eventually, you might get a headache. Another consideration is safety. Think about trying to follow a path with a bright flashing light. You might wind up falling into the water after losing sight of the dock. You can stay safe and make your visitors’ time on your boat dock more enjoyable by selecting white, constant lighting.

Make Sure The Dock Lights Can Withstand The Weather

When purchasing dock accessories, you should also keep the weather in mind. You must select dock lights that can withstand various weather conditions, such as wind, rain, and sunlight. You can probably expect your dock lights to not function when you need them if they are not weatherproof. Use only weatherproof lights instead because they could also become a safety hazard.

Avoid Lights That Are Light-duty

More than just wind and rain can be brought by bad weather. Debris could fly through the air and strike your lights, or your boat could collide with the dock. Selecting sturdy lights with a high crush capacity rating is therefore a good idea. You won’t have to worry if there is inclement weather because solid aluminum solar lights can take quite a beating.


These suggestions for boat dock lighting will make your dock a fun place to hang out with friends and family while also keeping you safe. Now that you are aware of your requirements, all that is left to do is to buy your lights. Heavy-duty solar lights from Tommy Docks have all the features you require and want. The lights can be installed by you without any outside assistance, just like our docks. You can transform your boat dock with these lights, which are ideal for DIYers and low-maintenance boaters. Explore the website to find the perfect lights right now.

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