LED Lights, Light Bulbs

Can An Integrated LED Light Bulb Be Replaced? – the Ultimate Guide

In this article, I’ll be delving into”can an integrated led light bulb be replaced“. Integrated LEDs’ advantages and disadvantages, typical lifespan, and potential flickering issues will all be covered.

Integrated LED bulbs are constructed into numerous electrical circuit boards, unlike conventional bulbs, which can be easily removed from their fixtures. In the event that a bulb blows, it cannot be changed without much difficulty, especially not by the typical person. In its place, the entire integrated fixture must be changed.

For more specific information, keep reading.

What is An Integrated LED Lighting Fixture?

A standard LED bulb that is screwed into a light fixture is what the majority of us are used to. The bulb and the fixture are two separate units. But with an integrated LED lighting fixture, you have a single unit where the The fixture includes an LED bulb.

Not like LED-ready fixtures, for example. In integrated LED fixtures, the diodes already have a specific color temperature and lumen output. They do not require additional components or accessories because they are connected directly to the mainline voltage.

LED lighting is energy-efficient, as you are likely already aware. With integrated LED lighting, the same is true. Your energy bills will be reduced as a result.

Pros and Cons of Integrated LED Fixtures

Integrated LEDs are a top option if you need to replace the lights in your house or building. Weighing the benefits and drawbacks will help you decide whether to buy before you commit.

Here is the summary table before we go into greater detail about each point.


  • Extended lifespan
  • Convenient – only need to buy and fit one part
  • Innovative designs
  • Brighter – higher lumen output
  • Better heat dissipation
  • Safer – all parts are designed to be used with each other
  • Compact – ideal for low ceiling voids


  • More expensive than retrofit alternatives
  • Limited customisation – no control over kelvin colour, brightness or darkness
  • Wasteful – if a bulb blows the entire fitting needs replacing
  • Their technology will quickly become outdated

Pro: Long Lasting

Integrated LED lighting is an entire fixture. They cost more to produce than retrofit options due to the fact that they have more components and are built to last rather than just being more affordable.

Although an integrated LED may seem expensive up front, it will need to be replaced much less often than retrofit bulbs. After installation, you won’t need to worry about maintenance for a long time. As a result, integrated LEDs provide longer-term financial savings.

Pro: Convenient

Integrated LEDs’ convenience is perhaps their greatest benefit. You only need to buy one fixture and install it in your house. Then you can leave it alone for a long time until it eventually passes away.

This is the perfect solution for hard-to-reach places where it can be challenging to regularly replace blown-out lamps, like the top of the stairs.

Pro: Modern Designs

Retrofit LEDs have a limited design range because they must work with conventional lighting fixtures. Integrated lights can be made in contemporary shapes and designs because this isn’t a concern for them.

Integrated LED fixtures can be much more compact than retrofit bulbs, which is advantageous for spaces without clearance between the ceiling and the floor above.

Con: Expensive

Track lights, downlights, and troffers all cost significantly more when made with integrated LEDs compared to retrofit versions.

When compared to integrated LED track heads, traditional LED track heads typically range in price from $110 to $350. This significant difference suggests that integrated LEDs might not be appropriate for those on a tight budget.

Con: Irreplaceable

LED light bulbs don’t last forever. In contrast to a retrofit bulb, an integrated LED bulb cannot be simply removed from the fixtures when it fails and replaced. Even devoted do-it-yourselfers will have trouble coming up with a fix.

It will be necessary to replace the integrated fixture as a whole by cutting the power to it.

In the end, this gives the LED fixtures themselves a shelf life even though they might still function properly when the diode fails. This wastes a ton of resources and is also inconvenient.

Con: Lack of Customization

If the retrofit bulb is compatible with the fixture, you can choose the precise size, color, and wattage of bulb you want.

With integrated fixtures, manufacturers have complete control over their features, eliminating this freedom. After purchase, they cannot be modified. This suggests that finding the ideal integrated LED lighting solution might be challenging.

Both types of light offer many of the same technologies, including the ability to choose the ideal color temperatures for your room.

Can An Integrated LED Light Bulb Be Replaced - the Ultimate Guide
Can An Integrated LED Light Bulb Be Replaced? – the Ultimate Guide

Read about How Do LED Light Bulbs Work?

Can Integrated LED Lights Be Replaced?

Traditional lighting fixtures can be easily removed. For integrated LED fixtures, where the LEDs are incorporated into electrical circuit boards, this is not true. If the entire fixture is blown, you might need to replace it. Because conventional light bulbs have a short lifespan in the past, manufacturers produced fixtures and light bulbs separately. This would make it simple to change light bulbs without having to change your fixture.

But LEDs last much longer. Consequently, they won’t require a replacement for a long time. And for this reason, a lot of customers think it’s more practical when LEDs are built into the fixture. A problem arises, however, if one of the diodes fails to function because it is difficult to remove and replace. The fixture does not, however, need to be thrown away immediately as a result.

Check Your Warranty

Checking your warranty is one action you can take. Most manufacturers give a long warranty to integrated due to the extraordinary longevity of LED lights. The warranty on LED fixtures is actually longer than the warranty on a typical retrofit LED. You can ask the manufacturer to replace or fix your defective fixture if your warranty is still in effect.

Repair Shops

Even if the warranty has expired or you don’t have proof of your purchase date, you can still contact the store the manufacturer for help. This is especially true if you purchased a well-known brand of LED fixture. They may occasionally be able to have a specialized workshop replace your damaged LED. There are also independent repair shops which can replace defective Your fixture can frequently be revived at a low cost by using LEDs.

Self Repair

Occasionally, you can even fix a broken LED yourself. YouTube has instructional videos that you might find helpful.


Life is at risk from any modifications to the electrical installation. Only qualified people are permitted to perform modifications and troubleshooting. Hire an electrician to fix the issue for your own safety.


If none of the methods above works for your and you cannot think of another way to repair your integrated LED, or if it is not worthwhile to do so, then you must replace your entire fixture. Although LED lights don’t contain mercury, the fixture still contains other electronic parts.

Therefore, if you are going to dispose of your LED fixture, you should do so as electrical waste rather than household waste. Look for recycling facilities or collection points. Defective LED fixtures are accepted by some stores, including DIY ones.

Replaceable LED Arrays

There is another type of LED lights available in-between the retrofit light bulbs and fully integrated LEDs. These fixtures also have integrated LEDs, but unlike other LED fixtures, they are not soldered to the electrical circuit boards of the fixtures, making them replaceable. Instead the LEDs are fitted on an array or module which can be replaced.

Manufacturers have a variety of options when it comes to an LED light source when designing LED fixtures. One choice is to design an LED array or module specifically for the fixture’s requirements. The distinctive requirement of the fixture can be met by a small, solid LED array made using this option.

Ready-made LED Arrays

An additional choice is to use pre-made LED integrated arrays and modules that are created specifically to fit different types of fixtures with different requirements. Contrary to custom-built ones, this is less expensive. Additionally, replacing defective LED modules is made simpler for customers. The search for modules that will meet the specifications of their particular fixture will be the limiting factor for manufacturers.

Regardless of the route that manufacturer chooses, their LED fixture ultimately uses an LED module or array rather than a light bulb. Customers can simply buy a new LED module or array when their integrated LED lighting needs to be replaced.

Technical Progress

There may be new types of LED fixtures on the market by the time you need a new LED array. LED fixtures arrays are advantageous, but most manufacturers are aware that as technology advances, these arrays may also need to be replaced or upgraded. These items might be obsolete in a few years because LED technology is evolving so quickly.

Today’s LED fixture producers favor replaceable LED arrays or modules. In actuality, this means that more fixtures are produced with replaceable LED arrays. Your original LED array can now be replaced with a new one. It is very similar to changing a light bulb.

If you plan to buy a new LED fixture with LED arrays, be sure to research whether the LED array can be changed. The length of time that the replacements will be accessible should also be a question. Otherwise, you might only have the option to replace the fixture and not the LED array.

Final Words

Despite being irreplaceable, integrated LEDs outperform retrofit lamps and conventional light bulbs in terms of durability and brightness. They are therefore an appealing design option for your house, workplace, and garden.

I predict that the integrated LED market will boom over the coming few years. Customers will be able to purchase a variety of lighting solutions with various design options and innovations.

In fact, an increasing number of manufacturers are beginning to incorporate LED technology directly into their lighting fixtures.

Have you ever attempted to change a bulb in a fixture with integrated LED lighting? Was it successful?

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