Light Bulbs

Is a Light Bulb a Resistor? the Ultimate Guide

So, the key query is: Is a resistor a light bulb? If you’re also looking for the answer to this query. We will make every effort to share this fact’s full context.

The light bulb is not a typical resistor. However, due to the restricted flow of electrons, it acts like a resistor.

Indeed, as the electrons move through the bulb, they encounter resistance and generate energy as a result. If we see logically, it’s a true fact that the light bulb is a resistor. For more details, let’s discuss this fact briefly:

What’s a Resistor?

Any object that makes electricity travel through it more difficult is a resistor. When electricity is forced through a resistor, the energy in the electricity frequently transforms into another form of energy, like light or heat. When electricity is applied to tungsten, a resistor, a light bulb glows as a result. Light and heat are the energy’s final products.

Compared to a resistor, a conductor is the opposite. Through a conductor, electricity moves quickly and easily with hardly any other energy being released.

Why a Light Bulb is Not Exactly a Resistor?

The resistor is the first concept we need to comprehend. Thus, we can comprehend why a light bulb behaves like a resistor despite not actually being one.

A resistor, as previously mentioned, is a part that restricts the flow of current in electrical and electronic circuits.

But it goes beyond that. Ohmic resistance is a material’s opposition to the flow of electric current, and is denoted in ohms.

The formula below can be used to determine an object’s ohmic resistance.

The formula above shows that an Ohmic resistor adheres to Ohm’s law. An increase in Voltage causes a linear increase in Current. Regardless of the amount of current passing through it, an ohmic resistor maintains its value.

However, a non-ohmic resistor does not adhere to Ohm’s law. An increase in Voltage creates an non-linear increase in current.

According to the amount of current flowing through it, the material’s resistance changes.

Check for How Does a Light Bulb Work?

When Does the Light Bulb Act Like a Resistor?

It would be simple for all of us to understand the difference between an Ohmic and non-Ohmic resistor or bulb after the thorough discussion of the resistor in the paragraph above. The light bulb is unquestionably not a conventional resistor. But they rarely serve as a resistor.

Most bulbs form some sort of resistance when the current passes through because they have filaments. Bulb transforms this resistance into heat and energy to light it up. The higher resistance of an incandescent bulb ensures that it will act as a resistor.

However, the rate of resistance and heat will increase in the incandescent bulbs in the case of higher voltages. The light bulb will produce more heat and energy with less resistance if a higher voltage is applied.

The bulb, on the other hand, functions as a resistor because it has a coil inside of it. In the event of wounds, the coil’s resistance will rise.

Do We Consider the Light Bulb as a Resistor?

Of course, in accordance with Ohm’s law in electrical circuits, we can use the light bulb as a resistor. The light bulb is unquestionably not a traditional or conventional resistor, as was discussed above. To control current overflow, we can use it in electric circuits in place of resistors.

Excitingly, we can accomplish the same task without a resistor by using a light bulb instead. In this way, we can light up the bulb with extra heat and energy than wasting it.

On the other hand, you must avoid using a light bulb as a resistor in a circuit. The bulb acts as a resistor, so its current flow won’t always be constant.

As a result, your circuit may suffer. Therefore, as heat or voltage changes, so does the light bulb’s resistance. Therefore, a light bulb is not the best choice for a resistor. You can choose to use the circuit’s bulb or a resistor to regulate the voltage variations at this point.

What Material in the Light Bulb Causes It to Be a Resistor?

The most commonly used material that is used in light bulbs today that cause it to behave like a resistor is Tungsten.

Tungsten was not, however, used in early light bulbs.

The first commercially light bulb filaments were made from Carbonized paper or Bamboo.

Again, the light bulb is made of materials that have a resistance, which makes it act like a resistor.

Negative temperature coefficient of resistance is a property of the carbon material used in the light bulb. This indicates that its resistance decreases with increasing temperature.

Power fluctuates as a result of this change in resistance and current through the circuit.

Is a Light Bulb a Resistor the Ultimate Guide
Is a Light Bulb a Resistor? the Ultimate Guide

Does the Efficiency of the Light Bulb Decrease Due to It Behaving Like a Resistor?

Although the development of the light bulb was a turning point in human history, it isn’t the most effective way to light a room.

The tungsten filament heats up to temperatures between 2,000 and 3,300 K (1,730 and 3,030 °C; 3,140 and 5,480 °F) when current flows through it. The tungsten filament won’t melt at these temperatures though.

We are aware that some of this energy is converted to light, but the majority of it is converted to heat because the tungsten filament is resistive.

the Alternatives to Using a Light Bulb That Behaves Less Like a Resistor

An alternative to using a light bulb is to use a light emitting diode (LED).

But the LED itself also exhibits some form of resistance, which makes it act like a resistor. But compared to a light bulb, the resistance of an LED is much lower.

The LED is also more energy-efficient than a light bulb because it emits the same amount of heat.

Replace the Light Bulb Resistor With LED

At your own risk, you can use the light bulb as a resistor in the circuit. The light bulb resistor acts differently depending on the circumstances and circumstances, which is the cause. Therefore, using a bulb as a resistor in a large circuit is not a wise choice.

For this, nothing would be a better option than replacing the light bulb with an LED. Undoubtedly, an LED has lower resisting power than a bulb. In the event of a fluctuation, however, the circuit is not harmed.

The LED should ideally dissipate heat at a similar rate to a lightbulb. It would therefore be the best and most effective replacement for the bulb in the electrical circuit.

Which Type of Light Bulb is a Suitable Resistor?

If the lightbulb is made of tungsten, it will undoubtedly function as a resistor. Use of the circuit’s conventional lightbulbs as resistors, however, is not recommended. The lack of tungsten in those bulbs is the cause. They are made of bamboo and carbon paper.

Put yourself in danger if you use these standard bulbs in the circuits.

Additionally, the carbon material in the bulb produces a negative temperature coefficient of resistance. The resistance is decreasing even as the temperature rises in this situation. Unluckily, the circuit could be harmed by this abrupt decrease in resistance and power fluctuation.

Final Verdict

In other words, only use a light bulb as a resistor in an electric circuit if you are aware of its material type. It is unsafe for the circuit to use regular light bulbs as resistors. Use the bulb as a resistor, though, if there is tungsten material inside.

Additionally, the quantity of electrons and voltage that pass through the bulb affect how well it performs as a resistor.