Outdoor Light

When To Take Down Outdoor Christmas Lights? See Answer

To start with, when to take down outdoor Christmas lights?

Naturally, it’s safe to leave your holiday decorations up and running through early January, but etiquette dictates that you take down outdoor Christmas lights before Three Kings Day (January 6).

If you think that time of year is particularly chilly for taking down your Christmas decorations, think about just taking down all the lawn ornaments and leaving the lights on but off until it warms up.

For more information, continue reading.

Do My Christmas Lights Have To Be On All Night?

Though some may view this as unneighbourly, this is not exactly bad manners. For example, if you hang Christmas lights in your neighbor’s bedroom, especially if they have a repeating blinking display, things will get heated long before January 6th. Be considerate, plan your display taking into account your neighbor’s floor plan, and set a timer for your lights. Additionally to saving you money on electricity, doing this could possibly save your neighbor’s relationship.

Can I Leave My Holiday Lights Up All Year Long?

By the end of January, you definitely want to take down the decorations, including the greenery, bows, Santa Claus, and reindeer, but there’s nothing wrong with extending the life of the lights a little bit. If you still like your lights, don’t feel bad—our customers adore them, and we’ll take them down whenever they want! Your home’s exterior will appreciate it. See more about Can You Use LED Strip Lights Outdoor?

What Regulations Apply To Decorations That Are Blown Up?

These can be a lot of fun, but if your decorations are obstructing traffic or neighbor’s views of the street, think about changing your design. Everyone is kept safe by doing this, which is not only polite and neighborly. If your decorations result in serious collisions or fender benders, you won’t receive any praise.

What Time Should I Keep The Music And Sound Effects Playing?

Nowadays, it’s quite common for Christmas light displays to include music and sound effects. To see your magnificent creation, cars will be parked along the street in both directions. Leaving the same four songs playing continuously for a month or two will get old, traffic problems aside. Consider making music and sound effects only available during prime viewing times, and turning them off by 11 p.m.

When To Take Down Outdoor Christmas Lights See Answer
When To Take Down Outdoor Christmas Lights? See Answer

The Opinions Of Your Neighbors

Another factor to think about is your neighbors’ personalities. Ask them if they mind if the lights are on longer than usual. If your lights can be seen from the main rooms of their homes, they will especially appreciate it. In accordance with your neighbors’ preferences, offer to turn off your lights every night at a particular time. Then, to ensure consistency, buy a timer.

Would You Like To Hold Out The Longest?

Consider February 14, Valentine’s Day, if you need a firm deadline but want the festive lights to stay on for a while. It’s the next significant holiday after New Year’s Eve and a good time to mark on your calendar for taking down your holiday decorations.

Extreme believers assert that February 28 is the final day to leave your lights on. Many advocate switching from festive lights to more sober “winter lights.”” Take advantage of the bright lights of winter if that’s your decorating style!

Considerations To Determine When To Take Down Christmas Lights

  1. Electricity costs used to be a factor in the game; for example, old incandescent bulbs cost a lot to light up every day. However, LEDs are now very cost-effective and have a long lifespan.
  2. Heavy UV exposure is not intended for wires. The wire becomes brittle because the UV is stronger in the summer. Lights’ lifespan is significantly shortened as a result, and garlands and wreaths frequently lose their vibrant color.
  3. There is nothing more disappointing than going to plug in your lights only to discover they have been completely chewed apart! In the majority of colder climates, the squirrels aren’t in the trees eating your wires until March or April.
  4. If your tree has trunk wraps, keep in mind that two years of growth could either ruin the string of lights or girdle/choke the tree. For a full year, you must take them down!
  5. Nowadays, people prefer to decorate in a slightly more modern way in order to improve their home and outdoor setting. (using mono colours like warm white only) Even though they look good all year round, you are drastically shortening their lifespan.
  6. Sometimes we don’t really get a white Christmas, and you know what, I like to put the lights on during a nice wintry night when a fresh blanket of snow has just fallen- then I get to admire my work

The End

With timers and switches, you don’t have to leave them on every day, choose your wintry nights

If they are dangling precariously, falling off, or have burned-out lights, take them down to prevent damage to your soffits.

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